Inside the Hive
So, Saturday I brought my observation hive to opening day of the Westfield Farmer's Market and, of course, my bees were an instant hit!...

Summer Has Begun at Top of the Mountain Honey!
Here at Top of the Mountain Honey Bee Farm, we're raring to go for the 2015 summer markets after that long, cold winter! Over the winter...
Hive Inspection
Now that the warm weather has finally arrived, our bees are getting busy, busy, busy! John's inspecting a healthy hive loaded with bees....
Hiving a Nuc
We brought a "nuc" down to Kimball's U-Pick (in Belvidere, NJ) over the weekend. This video shows John placing the bees in their new...

New Hives
This weekend, we were inspecting our hives in Hunterdon and Morris Counties. Some of those hives are already "exploding" with bees! We...

Bees Like Water!
Did you know that honey bees drink an enormous amount of water? Not only does it help them stay hydrated, they take it back to the hive...